Tenerife is a volcanic island and because of the slopes you won’t find many places here where you can easily go as a roller. On top of that there is corona, so I avoid crowded places like the plague 🙂 .
One of the tips I got was to go to Candelaria. Not exactly nearby, and certainly not by bus, but with all the time on my hands … No problem!
At the bus station in Los Cristianos I took bus 110 to go to Santa Cruz. I arrived an hour later, and after waiting there for half an hour, I could take the 122 towards Candelaria. This was a bit back and I could have gotten off earlier but then I had to spend about 25 minutes with my mobility scooter on a busy lane. The counter clerk at the bus station told me that this was not safe so I decided to take the long ride. The advantage of this was that you were regularly high up and had great views. On top of that, it was cooler in the bus than the 29° outside! 😉
Just before the center, I got out and saw the sea a few hundred yards away. Most striking to me was the rock-black beach sand. It is for me -with our North Sea coast in mind- special! 🙂
A first stop … I don’t think you can stay closer to the sea!
From there I rolled right onto the main street, towards the basilica.
This is also the shopping street where there are some restaurants, ice cream stores, a spice shop whose scents you could smell far outside …
From the stores you could see very clearly that Candelaria is a center of religious belief. Statues of saints in all colors and sizes in an overflowing display case were an attraction in itself 🙂 .

This street will take you to the Plaza de Patrona de Canarias. The large plaza in front of the Basílica de Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria which was built in 1957-1958.

The Royal Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria.
The view of the basilica from the square was imposing and through a ramp I could also enter easily. Entrance was free and you were even allowed to take pictures.
From the basilica I headed towards the sea where you can also see the chapel in the distance on the right. The 9 kings or “menseyes” catch all the attention. Giant kings who have each ruled the island for a period of time and you really can’t miss them.

On the quay walls I stood for a while watching the waves splashing high at times. So beautiful, and again … that smell! Great!
Little harbor and cozy beaches.
Through the main street I went back to my starting point and some further. Little spots of beach and a picturesque fishing port really typified the whole atmosphere of Candelaria.
About a kilometer further, and quite a bit uphill, was the Centro Commercial Punta Larga. Here I strolled around a bit but then quickly returned to the square in front of the basilica where I ate very tasty tapas on a terrace.
My ride home was done by cab.
Candelaria is definitely worth spending an afternoon in. I loved the cozy atmosphere and the tranquility. The long bus ride was definitely worth it.
For rollers, Candelaria is easy to do and therefore worth repeating!